Recovery of sublethally injured Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells after pulsed electric fields treatment
Graphical Abstract
To explore the inactivation mechanism of S.cerevisiae caused by pulsed electric field ( PEF) , the influence of the recovery liquid medium on the repair of S.cerevisiae sublethally injured cells after PEF was revealed. The yeast extract, peptone and glucose buffer solution was adopted as the sublethally injured cells culture environment.Sublethal S.cerevisiae cells under certain conditions ( 20 k V / cm, 400μs, 15℃) were detected by using a selective medium plating technique. The results showed that self repair of S.cerevisiae sublethally injured cells could be recoved in 3070min in liquid medium ( yeast extract, peptone and glucose buffer solution) , injured cells had their maximum repair capacity when suspended in yeast extract. Metal ions ( K+、Ca2 +、Mg2 +) were added to the phosphate buffer ( PBS) and fresh strawberry juice, S.cerevisiae sublethally injured cells in these systems presented self- repair.