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张海芳,满都呼,王记成. 双蛋白益生菌发酵乳的研制与品质分析[J]. 华体会体育,2023,44(12):157−163. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022120035.
引用本文: 张海芳,满都呼,王记成. 双蛋白益生菌发酵乳的研制与品质分析[J]. 华体会体育,2023,44(12):157−163. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022120035.
ZHANG Haifang, MAN Douhu, WANG Jicheng. Development and Quality Analysis of Double Protein Probiotic Fermented Milk[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2023, 44(12): 157−163. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022120035.
Citation: ZHANG Haifang, MAN Douhu, WANG Jicheng. Development and Quality Analysis of Double Protein Probiotic Fermented Milk[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2023, 44(12): 157−163. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022120035.


Development and Quality Analysis of Double Protein Probiotic Fermented Milk

  • 摘要: 为丰富发酵乳的品类并满足消费者的多样化需求,本研究以一定比例的纯牛乳和花生蛋白粉为原料,添加益生菌制作了一种双蛋白益生菌发酵乳。将纯牛乳与不同比例的花生蛋白混合,巴氏灭菌后,将混合物与发酵物一起发酵(嗜热链球菌S10:动物双歧杆菌乳亚种菌株V9:干酪乳杆菌Zhang=10:10:1),从感官特性、酸度、粘度、持水力及益生菌活菌数等角度,评价了贮藏期内28 d实验组及对照组发酵乳的品质及贮藏特性。结果表明,花生蛋白:牛乳蛋白=3:7时,发酵乳酸甜适口、色香兼具、组织细腻且凝聚性好,感官评分为(94±3)分,发酵时间5.4 h。经4 ℃下贮藏28 d后,3:7实验组的后酸化程度与对照组相比较弱,内聚性及黏度指数均高于两个对照组(分别为−20.24±1.77 g、−20.63±2.79 g·s)。与此同时,3:7实验组的粘度最高可达(1085±100)mPa·s,持水力可平均稳定在75%左右,发酵乳中的干酪乳酪杆菌Zhang及动物双歧杆菌乳亚种V9的活菌数均可保持在1×107 CFU/mL以上。因此,通过花生蛋白替代部分牛乳蛋白来制作发酵乳的工艺是可行的,产品在28 d贮藏期内能够保持良好的感官特性及贮藏稳定性,此类产品具有深入研究和继续开发的价值潜力。


    Abstract: To investigate double protein product which was combined with fermented milk and peanut protein followed by characterization of the sensory properties, acidity, viscosity, water holding capacity and viable count of probiotics after the storage of 28 days. The pure milk was mixed with different peanut protein proportions, and after pasteurization, the mixture were fermented with the fermentation (Streptococcus thermophilus S10:Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis strain V9:Lactobacillus casei Zhang=10:10:1). The results showed that the group of peanut protein:milk protein=3:7 presented better sensory characteristics (94±3) and texture properties with both color and aroma, delicate tissue, and good cohesion, and the fermentation time was 5.4 h. Compared with the control groups, the 3:7 group showed a weak post-acidification ability, and higher cohesiveness and viscosity index (−20.24±1.77 g, −20.63±2.79 g·s, respectively). In addition, the 3:7 group showed (1085±100) mPa·s of viscosity and the 75% water holding capacity for the whole process. Further more, the viable count of Lactobacillus casei Zhang and Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis V9 in 3:7 group maintained 1×107 CFU/mL after the 28 d storage, respectively. In general, the product of probiotic fermented milk mixed with the peanut protein appeared better sensory characteristics and stability, which would have potential research and commercial values for the future.


