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  • 食品科学与工程领域高质量科技期刊分级目录第一方阵T1
李裕梅,万鑫,曹雁平,等. 不同存储时长的两批煎炸油理化指标数据可视化分析[J]. 华体会体育,2022,43(20):281−290. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2021090337.
引用本文: 李裕梅,万鑫,曹雁平,等. 不同存储时长的两批煎炸油理化指标数据可视化分析[J]. 华体会体育,2022,43(20):281−290. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2021090337.
LI Yumei, WAN Xin, CAO Yanping, et al. Data Visual Analysis of Physicochemical Parameters of Two Batches of Frying Oil with Different Storage Time[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2022, 43(20): 281−290. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2021090337.
Citation: LI Yumei, WAN Xin, CAO Yanping, et al. Data Visual Analysis of Physicochemical Parameters of Two Batches of Frying Oil with Different Storage Time[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2022, 43(20): 281−290. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2021090337.


Data Visual Analysis of Physicochemical Parameters of Two Batches of Frying Oil with Different Storage Time

  • 摘要: 本文针对存储时长为18个月和3个月的大豆油在煎炸过程中分别测出来的酸价、羰基价和极性组分数据进行了计算和相应可视化分析,以观察煎炸过程中的两批油同等实验条件下的理化指标在相应时间点上的变化关系,为煎炸油的安全监控提供依据。首先根据三个理化指标已经测得的数据进行了统计描述分析和箱线图可视化,其次对两个批次油的三个指标进行了曲线拟合可视化,最后进行了“时间-温度-指标值”的曲面和相应等高线可视化分析等。结果表明,箱线图可视化过程中,总体观察到存储时间长的油在同一个煎炸温度下的理化指标值的变化范围更大;曲线拟合可视化过程中,发现酸价变化最规律,可以用来根据一个批次油在煎炸过程中的酸价值去估计同等实验条件下另一个批次油的酸价值,从而也可以用来根据已知一个批次油的存储时长去估算另一批次油的存储时长;曲面可视化和等高线可视化过程中,发现190 ℃是温度的一个分界点,190 ℃以上的煎炸过程中,存储时间长的油的理化指标值增长的更快、氧化速度增加、油更加不稳定;同时,也发现20 h是时间的一个分界点,20 h后,存储时间长的油的理化指标值增长的更快。说明连续煎炸的情况下,温度尽量不要超过190 ℃,煎炸时长最好不要超过20 h。


    Abstract: In this paper, the acid value, carbonyl value and total polar components data measured in the two batches of frying soybean oil which were stored for 18 and 3 months respectively, were used to make some calculations and visual analysis, so as to observe the changes of physicochemical parameters of two batches of oil at the corresponding time points under the same experimental conditions, for providing convenience about the safety monitoring of frying oil. Firstly, statistical description and boxplot analysis were carried out according to the measured data of three physicochemical parameters. Secondly, the curve fitting visualization was carried out. Then, the surface and corresponding contour visualization analyses of “time-temperature-parameter’s value” were carried out. In the boxplot visualization, it was generally observed that the variation ranges of the physicochemical parameters of oil stored for a long time were larger at the same frying temperature. In the curve fitting visualization, it was found that the acid values changed most regularly, which could be used to estimate the corresponding acid values of another batch of oil under the same experimental conditions, and could also be used to estimate the storage time of another batch of oil according to the known storage time of this batch of oil. In the surface and contour visualization, it was found that 190 ℃ was a dividing point of the temperatures. In the frying process above 190 ℃, the physicochemical parameters of oil stored for a longer time increased faster, the oxidation rate increased and the oil was more unstable. At the same time, it was also found that 20 h was a dividing point of the time. After 20 h, the physicochemical parameters of oil stored for a longer time increased faster. In the case of continuous frying, the temperature should not exceed 190 ℃ and the frying time should not exceed 20 h.


