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刘培秀,赵美萱,杨梅,等. 西兰花粉营养成分及理化性质研究[J]. 华体会体育,2022,43(11):326−333. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2021090257.
引用本文: 刘培秀,赵美萱,杨梅,等. 西兰花粉营养成分及理化性质研究[J]. 华体会体育,2022,43(11):326−333. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2021090257.
LIU Peixiu, ZHAO Meixuan, YANG Mei, et al. Study on the Nutrient Components and Physicochemical Properties of Broccoli Flour[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2022, 43(11): 326−333. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2021090257.
Citation: LIU Peixiu, ZHAO Meixuan, YANG Mei, et al. Study on the Nutrient Components and Physicochemical Properties of Broccoli Flour[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2022, 43(11): 326−333. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2021090257.


Study on the Nutrient Components and Physicochemical Properties of Broccoli Flour

  • 摘要: 为了促进西兰花茎叶的可食化利用,解决西兰花尾菜极大浪费以及废弃带来的环境问题,本文以西兰花全株为原料,分为可食花球、茎和叶3部分,系统分析了不同部位冻干粉的部分化学成分、矿物质含量、热稳定性及粉体表面形貌;进而对比了不同粒度下粉体的色度、密度、膨胀力和持水持油能力。结果表明,西兰花叶冻干粉中总黄酮含量高达19.82±0.86 mg/g,叶绿素含量为11.35±0.65 mg/g,钙含量高达11.27±0.48 mg/g,铜含量为20.23±0.81 μg/g,锰含量为29.62±0.71 μg/g,上述成分均显著高于花球和茎冻干粉(P<0.05)。相同目数样品的粒径和比表面积具有差异,其中西兰花茎粒径较大,比表面积较小。随着粒径的减小,样品压缩度升高;其中,180目粒度下西兰花叶和茎压缩度较高且差异不显著(P>0.05)。3种样品相比,西兰花叶和花球具有较高的膨胀力,茎和花球具有较高的持水力和持油力。不同样品中,140目花球粉末的持水力、持油力最大,分别为13.18±0.46 g/g和1.77±0.13 g/g。综上所述,综合考虑加工成本,西兰花废弃茎、叶和花球经干燥粉碎粒度选择140目较为适宜。


    Abstract: In order to promote the edible utilization of broccoli stalks and leaves, as well as solve environmental issues from broccoli residues, the whole broccoli was chosen as materials and divided into florets, stalks and leaves to analyze the nutrients and minerals contents, thermal stability and the morphology of freeze-dried broccoli flours. The chromaticity, density, swelling capacity, water-holding and oil-holding capacities of broccoli florets, stalks and leaves were also measured. The results showed that the content of flavone in broccoli leaves was 19.82±0.86 mg/g, chlorophyll of 11.35±0.65 mg/g, calcium of 11.27±0.48 mg/g, copper of 20.23±0.81 μg/g, manganese of 29.62±0.71 μg/g, which were all higher than those in stalks and florets significantly (P<0.05). There were differences in particle size and specific surface area among samples at the same mesh, in which broccoli stalks had the highest size and lowest specific surface area. The compressibility of three samples increased with decreasing in particle size. The broccoli leaves and stalks had higher compressibility under 180-mesh than florets. However, the compressibility of leaves at 180-mesh was different from stalks insignificantly (P>0.05). The leaves and florets had high swelling capacity, but stalks and florets had high water-holding and oil-holding capacities. The florets had the highest water-holding and oil-holding capacities among three samples at 140-mesh, which were 13.18±0.46 g/g and 1.77±0.13 g/g, respectively. With consideration of processing costs, 140-mesh was the optimum size for florets, stalks and leaves of broccoli flours.


