Current Status and Policy Recommendations of Foods for Special Medical Purpose Industry in China
摘要: 特殊医学用途配方食品(特医食品)是指为满足特定患者和人群的营养需求,专门加工配制而成的食品,对疾病的预防和辅助治疗至关重要。我国特医食品产业起步以来,受到政府的日益重视。本文分析了我国特医食品产业现状,面临的机遇和挑战,提出相关建议,以期推动产业科技创新发展,助推食品产业供给侧结构性改革,提升国民营养健康水平。Abstract: Foods for special medical purpose (FSMP) is specially processed for patients with specific nutritional demand. FSMP is critical for the prevention and treatment of diseases. Industry of FSMP receives increasing attention from the government since its initiation in China. The current status, opportunities and challenges confronted by Chinese FSMP industry were introduced in this article. Some pertinent policy recommendations were put forward to promote the scientific and technological innovation of FSMP industry, which would be beneficial for boosting the supply-side structural reform of the food industry and improve the national nutrition and health.