Analysis of Anthocyanins Components of 11 Blueberries in Yunnan Lijiang and Jilin Jingyu
摘要: 采用高效液相色谱法对云南丽江、吉林靖宇11种越橘果实花色苷组分进行测定。通过标准品的分析,建立了飞燕草素-3-半乳糖苷、飞燕草素-3-葡萄糖苷、矢车菊素-3-半乳糖苷、矢车菊素-3-葡萄糖苷、锦葵色素-3-半乳糖苷、锦葵色素-3-葡萄糖苷的回归方程,相关系数为0.9939~0.9968,精密度RSD为2.00%~3.73%,回收率在98.90%~100.99%,方法准确可行。通过6种标准品的对比,供试的15个样品中,所有越橘品种均有飞燕草素-3-半乳糖苷、矢车菊素-3-半乳糖苷、锦葵色素-3-半乳糖苷3种花色苷,飞燕草素-3-半乳糖苷平均含量为223.99 μg/g、锦葵色素-3-半乳糖苷平均含量为153.34 μg/g,二者占总花色苷的65%。采用欧氏距离聚类分析表明,集群1为飞燕草素-3-半乳糖苷含量较高的三种越橘,代表品种为丽江雷戈西、丽江奥尼尔、靖宇杜克;集群2为6种花色苷总含量较高的越橘品种,代表品种为丽江北陆与靖宇早蓝,说明飞燕草素-3-半乳糖苷含量与花色苷总含量是评价越橘花色苷特点的重要因子。Abstract: The anthocyanins components of 11 blueberries in Yunnan Lijiang and Jilin Jingyu were determined by HPLC. The regression equation of the concentration of delphinidin-3-galactoside, delphinidin-3-glucoside, cyanidin-3-galactoside, cyanidin-3-glucoside, malvidin-3-galactoside and malvidin-3-glucoside were achieved by analysis of standard. The results showed that accuracy and feasibility of the correlation coefficients was 0.9939~0.9968, precision RSDs of 2.00%~3.73% (n=5) and the recovery rates of six anthocyanins were in the range of 98.90%~100.99%. Delphinidin-3-galactoside, cyaniding-3-galactoside, malvidin-3-galactoside were contained in all samples by the intercomparison of 6 standards in 15 samples. The average content of delphinidin-3-galactoside and malvidin-3-galactoside were 223.99 and 153.34 μg/g with 65% of the total anthocyanins. Cluster 1 showed the higher contents of delphinidin-3-galactoside was contained by Lijiang Legacy, Lijiang O'neal, Jingyu Duke and cluster 2 showed the higher content of total anthocyanins of Lijiang Northland, Jingyu Earliblue by the cluster analysis of euclidean distance. In addition, the contents of delphinidin-3-galactoside and total anthocyanins were the evaluated important factor of blueberries anthocyanins characteristics.