Application and research progress of oat in dairy products
摘要: 分析了红心火龙果果酒生产过程中褐变度和主要致褐因子的变化规律,并采用统计方法进行了相关性分析。结果表明:红心火龙果果酒在陈酿过程中先由紫红色转变为红色,最后转变为黄色;其中,褐变度与多酚氧化酶、甜菜红素呈负相关,相关性系数r分别为-0.8520和-0.9070,达到极显著水平(p<0.01),可以推断,其褐变本质是甜菜红素通过酶促反应降解为甜菜黄素。该结果为褐变调控措施的选择与实施奠定理论基础。Abstract: Oat milk products are favored by consumers because of their unique nutritional effects and flavor.This paper introduced the main features of oats and its series of processing products, the application and technical features of oat products, and the method of quality evaluation in dairy products in recent years, analyzed the problem in application of oat in dairy products, and discussed its development direction.The aim is that oat as food raw materials can be better applying in dairy products, and to provide technical reference.