In order to reduce the use of preservatives and research a new preservation technology for wet raw noodles, the effect of gamma ray irradiation on microorganism inactivation and quality of wet raw noodles was studied in the experiment with irradiation dose from 1 to 5 kGy respectively. The results showed that D
10 values of bacterial and molds were 1.37 kGy and2.22 kGy respectively ( p < 0.05) . After the gamma ray irradiation treatment, the L*value and hardness of wet raw noodles increased at the does of 4 and 5 kGy significantly ( p < 0.05) and the b*value was increased within the does range of 2 to 4 kGy ( p < 0.05) .Cooking bibulous rate decreased at 5 kGy, but there were no significant bad change ( p > 0.05) on moisture content and cooking bibulous loss rate after treatment. Gamma ray radiation irradiation treatment also had changed springiness, chewiness, adhesiveness. Above all this experiment has proved that gamma ray irradiation less than 4 kGy has significant germicidal efficacy for wet raw noodles without influencing the quality.