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刘爽, 潘洪冬, 赵思明. 酥脆薯条的加工工艺与风味特征研究[J]. 华体会体育, 2017, (14): 196-202. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2017.14.039
引用本文: 刘爽, 潘洪冬, 赵思明. 酥脆薯条的加工工艺与风味特征研究[J]. 华体会体育, 2017, (14): 196-202. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2017.14.039
LIU Shuang, PAN Hong-dong, ZHAO Si-ming. Study on the processing technology and flavor characteristics of crispy fries[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2017, (14): 196-202. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2017.14.039
Citation: LIU Shuang, PAN Hong-dong, ZHAO Si-ming. Study on the processing technology and flavor characteristics of crispy fries[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2017, (14): 196-202. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2017.14.039


Study on the processing technology and flavor characteristics of crispy fries

  • 摘要: 以适于油炸加工的马铃薯品种"大西洋"为原料,经过漂烫、冻结和真空油炸等工序制得即食型酥脆薯条,采用质构仪、色度仪、气相色谱-质谱联用仪(GC-MS)研究酥脆薯条的品质特征,以及工艺条件对质构、色彩、感官等风味特征的影响,分析马铃薯制作的酥脆薯条的挥发性气味特征,为即食型酥脆薯条的品质控制提供理论依据。结果表明,适当降低冷冻温度、延长冷冻时间,可提高薯条的酥性、脆度和强度,降低断裂能。油炸温度和时间的增加会显著提高薯条的酥脆性,降低薯条的水分含量,但脂肪含量较高。酥脆薯条最优工艺为,于-30℃冷冻18 h后,在温度为95℃、真空度为0.096-0.100 MPa条件下油炸30 min,900 r/min离心脱油3 min。在该工艺下制得的酥脆薯条水分含量为1.64%,脂肪含量为30.20%,酥性为8.01次/mm,强度为4.02 kg,咀嚼度为6.58 kg·mm,脆性K为2.29 kg/mm,具有良好的酥脆性,并含有丰富的安息香醛、(E,E)-2,4-癸二烯醛、柠檬烯等油炸产品典型气味活性物质和壬醛、癸醛、邻苯二甲酸二异丁酯等马铃薯特征气味物质。 


    Abstract: Fried potato chips were prepared from“Atlantic”potatoes. The instant crispy fries was made by blanching, freezing and vacuum frying process etc.That the quality characteristics of crispy fries, effect of process conditions on texture, color and sensory flavor feature was studied by using texture instrument, colorimeter and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry ( GC-MS) .In order to provide a theoretical basis for the quality control of instant crisp fries, analysising the volatile characteristics of potato production crispy fries. The results showed that appropriate to reduce the freezing temperature, freezing time prolonged, could improve the crisp and french fries crisp and reduce the strength, fracture energy. With the rise of frying time and frying temperature, crisp chips would significantly improve and the moisture content of chips would decrease.But the fat content of french fries was low.The optimal process was that after freezing at-30 ℃ for 18 h, and under the condition of vacuum frying for 95 ℃, 30 min 1.096 MPa, then centrifugal deoiling 3 min on the speed of 900 r/min. Crispy chips' moisture content was 1.64%, fat content was 30.20%, the number of spacial ruptures ( Nsr) was 8.01, strength was 4.02 kg, chewiness was 6.58 kg·mm, brittleness was 2.29 kg/mm.And contain rich benzaldehyde, 2, 4- ( E, E) -sebacic olefine aldehyde, limonene typical odor such fried product active substances and nonyl aldehyde, decanal, phthalate butyl ester such potato characteristic odor material.


