Research status and prospect of germinated brown rice
摘要: 发芽糙米是一种新型的功能性食品,它比精白米的营养价值高,比糙米的适口性好,具有广阔的发展前景。本文介绍了发芽糙米的主要营养功能因子及其生理功能,综述了我国发芽糙米食品研究现状,同时分析了发芽糙米食品研究与开发中存在的问题,并展望了未来的发展前景。Abstract: Germinated brown rice is a kind of new functional whole grains germinated brown rice, it is more nutritive than white rice, and it is more palatable than brown rice.The main functionality elements and physiology functions of germinated brown rice were introduced, and the development status of the germinated brown rice in China was reviewed. The important aspects in exploiting and processing of the germinated brown rice were also discussed. The future of the germinated brown rice was described.