Application of E-tongue in genuine-fake Yi Lilaochen liquor recognition
摘要: 通过电子舌技术对真假两种伊力老陈酒10年进行分析,并结合判别因子分析和软独立建模分析建立了真假酒的预测模型。结果表明:判别因子分析模型和软独立建模模型均能够准确识别未知样品中的真假伊力老陈酒10年,识别正确率达到了100%,电子舌技术可用于伊力老陈酒10年真假酒的鉴别。Abstract: E-tongue combined with discrimination factor analysis and soft independent modeling of class analysis as pattern recognize technology was used for identifying genuine-fake Yi Lilaochen liquor. The results showed that both discriminant function analysis model and soft independent modeling by class analogy model can discriminate genuine and fake Yi Li Laochen wine correctly from unknown samples, E-tongue could be used in identifying genuine and fake Yi Lilaochen liquor.