Effects of drying methods on the principal biochemical components of different cultivars of tea flower
摘要: 以重庆地区常见的六个品种的茶树鲜花为样品,采用热风干燥和真空冷冻干燥两种干燥方式处理,比较干燥后各个品种茶树花生化成分含量的差异。结果显示:四川群体品种的茶树花经热风干燥和真空冷冻干燥处理后,在总酚、总儿茶素等关键活性物质的含量上均显著高于其他品种;且其经热风干燥后的含量显著高于冷冻干燥,分别为(108.33±5.97)mg/g和(39.84±2.79)mg/g,具有较高的抗氧化、抗增殖等保健潜力。热风干燥的福鼎大白的咖啡碱含量较低,为(2.43±0.17)mg/g,同时酚类物质含量较高,适合用来开发低咖啡碱产品。干燥方式对茶树花生化成分含量影响显著,经热风干燥的茶树花的总酚和总儿茶素含量更高,经真空冷冻干燥的茶树花则可以保留更多的黄酮和咖啡碱。综上所述,四川群体品种与福鼎大白的开发潜力更大,而最佳的干燥方式则要根据对目标生化成分含量的具体要求来确定。Abstract: The contents of principal biochemical components of six cultivars of tea flower dried by air-dry and freeze-dry method were determined. The results indicated that Sichuan population had the highest content of total phenolics and total catechins in both air-dry and freeze-dry method, which also suggested that Sichuan population possessed the greatest potential of healthcare function. Besides, the contents of total phenolics and catechins of Sichuan population were higher in air-dry method at ( 108.33 ± 5.97) mg/g than in freeze-dry method at ( 39.84 ± 2.79) mg/g.Air-dried Fudingdabai had relatively low content of caffeine at ( 2.43 ± 0.17) mg/g and high content of phenolics, which was suitable for processing low-caffeine products. Drying method significantly influenced the contents of biochemical components. Tea flower samples dried by air-dry method, compared with that by freeze-dry method, possessed higher contents of total phenolics and total catechins while more flavone and caffeine were preserved in freeze-dried samples. In Summary, Sichuan population and Fudingdabai had greater potential for further development, while the selection of appropriate drying method was depended on the requirements for the contents of target components.