Effect of Dunaliella salina polysaccharide on water distribution and quality changes of Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis during frozen storage
摘要: 研究了盐藻多糖处理对冻藏中国对虾水分分布和品质变化的影响。将中国对虾预煮5 min后分别浸渍于0.03%和0.06%盐藻多糖水溶液中,取出沥干包装后于-18℃贮藏,以水分含量、不同状态水的比例、色差和质构作为评价指标,分析0.03%和0.06%盐藻多糖处理对冻藏对虾水分分布和品质变化的影响。结果表明,随着冻藏时间的延长,对照组虾肉中水分含量逐渐降低,硬度和咀嚼性迅速增加,L*、a*和b*值降低,不易流动水和自由水比例降低,结合水比例增高;0.06%盐藻多糖处理抑制了冻藏对虾肌肉中自由水的流失,提高了虾肉的水分含量;0.03%和0.06%盐藻多糖处理对中国对虾均有一定的护色作用,且降低了对虾的硬度,但0.06%多糖的护色效果和质构改善效果好于0.03%多糖组。Abstract: The effect of Dunaliella salina polysaccharide on water distribution and quality changes of Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis during frozen storage were studied. Shrimps were immersed in preservative of 0.03% and 0.06%Dunaliella salina polysaccharide solution after cooked in boiling water for 5 min, removed, drained and stored at-18 ℃.Moisture contrent, the proportion of different status of water, color and texture were periodically assessed to investigate the effect of Dunaliella salina polysaccharide on water distribution and quality of Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis. The results showed that the moisture content of pre-cooked shrimps decreased with the storage time increasing, the hardness and chewiness increased quickly, L*, a*and b*decreased, the proportion of immobilized water P21 and free water P22 decreased, and the proprotiong of bound water P2 bincreased for all control samples.The loss of free water in shrimp muscle was retarded by 0.06%Dunaliella salina polysaccharide treatment, and the mosture content increased. It was also observed that 0.03% and 0.06%polysaccharide solution treatment all had color protection effect on pre-cooked shrimps, and decreased the hardness of samples, the effect of 0.06% Dunaliella salina polysaccharide solution treatment was better than that of 0.03% polysaccharide treatment.