Extraction and antibacterial activity of procyanidins from Aronia melanocarpa
摘要: 本文利用响应面分析法对黑果腺肋花楸原花青素的提取工艺进行优化,并探究其抑菌性质。结果表明:黑果腺肋花楸原花青素的最佳提取条件为:乙醇浓度62%,液料比25∶1 m L/g,提取温度72℃,提取时间60 min。在此条件下提取的黑果腺肋花楸原花青素含量为3.32%;经AB-8大孔树脂纯化,原花青素含量提高约4倍,为14.29%;抑菌性实验表明黑果腺肋花楸原花青素对供试菌种的抑菌效果依次为:枯草芽孢杆菌>金黄色葡萄球菌>大肠杆菌>酿酒酵母,抑菌作用随原花青素浓度的增加而提高,且纯化前的黑果腺肋花楸原花青素具有更强的抑菌性。Abstract: Response surface methodology was employed to optimize the extraction conditions of procyanidins from Aronia melanocarpa and antibacterial activity was researched by Oxford- cup tests. Results indicated that the optimum extractive conditions were determined as follows: ethanol concentration 62%,liquid to solid ratio 25 ∶ 1 m L / g,extraction temperature72 ℃,extraction time 60 min,the content of procyanidins through this optimized procedure was 3.32%. The content of procyanidins were four times as much purification as crude extracts after the treatment by AB- 8 macroporous resin,which content of procyanidins was 14.29%.Bacteriostatic experiment of procyanidins from black chokeberry on several strains tested showed antimicrobial effect as follows: Bacillus subtilis > Staphylococcus aureus > Escherichia coli > Saccharomyces cerevisiae.Antibacterial activity increased with increasing of procyanidins concentration and crude extracts of Aronia melanocarpa procyanidins had better antibacterial activity.