Effects of Haematococcus pluvialis astaxanthin on diabetes mice for decreasing blood glucose and its mechanisms
摘要: 通过尾静脉注射四氧嘧啶(4550 mg/kg BW iv)建立小鼠高血糖模型,研究雨生红球藻源虾青素(astaxanthin,ASX)对四氧嘧啶高血糖小鼠血糖的调节作用。分别以雨生红球藻源虾青素粉(虾青素含量为2%)25、100 mg/kg连续灌胃高血糖小鼠14 d,在末次灌胃后摘眼球取血测定血糖、胰岛素、SOD、GSH-Px的活性和MDA水平;肝、肾组织称重并测定SOD、GSH-Px的活性和MDA水平。结果表明,雨生红球藻源虾青素可缓解高血糖模型小鼠体重降低的趋势,减少饮水量和摄食量;雨生红球藻源虾青素可显著降低四氧嘧啶高血糖小鼠的血糖值(p<0.05)以及极显著提高血清中胰岛素的含量(p<0.01),增强血清中的SOD(p<0.05)和GSH-Px(p<0.01)的活性,抑制了肾脏和肝脏中的MDA水平。结果表明,提高血清和肝肾组织的抗氧化能力,增加机体内的胰岛素水平可能是雨生红球藻源虾青素降血糖的机制之一。Abstract: To explore effect of Haematococcus pluvialis astaxanthin to mice diabete for decreasing blood glucose and its mechanisms. Experimental diabete mice was induced by alloxan( ALX)( 45 ~ 50 mg / kg BW iv). With25 mg / kg and 100 mg / kg dose of Haematococcus pluvialis astaxanthin( 2%) for 14 d lavage alloxan diabete mice,the blood samples of mice were collected by orbit,blood glucose,insulin,SOD,GSH- Px activity and MDA level in the blood were measured.The liver and kidney were taken to weigh,SOD,GSH- Px activity and MDA level in the tissues were measured.The results showed that Haematococcus pluvialis astaxanthin could significantly( p < 0.05)inhibit diabete mice weight of reduction and return to normal,reduce( p < 0.01) water intake and diet intake and reduce( p < 0.01) high blood glucose levels of diabete mice and improve the ability of antioxidation,the mechanism of ASX in reducing blood glucose might be achieved by regulating the insulin.