Selection of technological parameters of Douchi fermented by multi-strains
摘要: 本文采用米曲霉和黑曲霉菌粉混合发酵制作豆豉,分别以蛋白酶活力和氨基态氮含量为测定指标,通过单因素实验确定了豆豉制曲和发酵条件。结果表明,制曲条件为每1 kg黄豆接种菌粉15 g,米曲霉∶黑曲霉的用量比为4∶1,温度30℃,相对湿度75%,制曲48 h,最终蛋白酶活力可以达到1033 u/g;发酵条件为每1 kg豆豉曲加入500 m L无菌水和50 g食盐,温度45℃,相对湿度65%,发酵11 d后氨基态氮含量达到2.1 g/100 g。Abstract: The starter mixture of Aspergillus oryzae and Aspergillus niger were used to produce Douchi and the protease activity and amino nitrogen content were respectively used as the indexes to explore the parameters of koji- making and fermentation by single factor test. The results showed that one good conditions of koji- making were as follows: 15 g fungus powder in 1 kg soybean,Aspergillus oryzae∶ Aspergillus niger = 4 ∶ 1,30 ℃,75% RH and duration of 48 h,under these conditions,the protease activity reached 1033 u / g. One good conditions of fermentation were as follows: 500 m L water and 50 g salt in 1 kg koji,45 ℃,65% RH and duration of 11 days,under these conditions,the amino nitrogen content reached 2.1 g /100 g.