Identification of main pathogenic fungus from post- harvest “Saimaiti”apricot fruits
摘要: 本文采用新疆赛买提杏为材料,常规组织分离法得到引起采后腐烂的主要病原真菌有3类,通过形态学及r DNA-ITS序列克隆分析的方法对其进行鉴定。研究发现:引起新疆赛买提杏采后腐烂的主要病原菌有3类,分别为交孢链格孢(Alternaria alternata)、匍枝根霉(Rhizopus stolonifer)和皮落青霉(Penicillium crustosum)。本研究可为杏贮藏保鲜及病害的防治提供理论依据和技术指导。Abstract: Xin Jiang “Saimaiti”apricots were taken as the experimental material in this paper. Three pathogenic fungus which was obtained from the decay apricots were identified by morphological method and r DNA- ITS sequence analysis. The result showed that Alternaria alternate,Penicillium crustosum,Rhizopus stolonifera were three main post- harvest fungus of apricot fruits. The research might provide theoretical and technology guide for prolong storage period and disease control of apricot fruits.