Study on the effect of anti damage in strawberry with the anti- vibration package
摘要: 根据草莓果实的结构特点,研制了具有减振功能的分果包装盒,并以"章姬"草莓为材料,分别测定果实的损伤指数、失重率、乙烯释放量、呼吸强度、硬度、可溶性固形物含量及相对电导率等生理和品质指标,检测分果包装盒防止草莓振动和跌落损伤的效果。结果表明,相比于普通包装盒,分果包装盒不仅可以有效减少草莓果实表面损伤率、降低果实贮藏过程中的失重率、乙烯释放量、呼吸强度和相对电导率,而且较好的维持果实硬度,从而有效延缓草莓采后的品质劣变。Abstract: Anti- vibration package of strawberry was developed based on the structural characteristics of strawberry fruit.“Zhang Ji”strawberries were treated with the anti- vibration package and the traditional package.The quality of strawberry fruit and the effect of reducing the mechanical damage of the fruit was respectively investigated in this experiment.The results showed that,compared to the ordinary package,the anti- vibration package can not only effectively reduce the fruit surface damage,weight loss,ethylene production,respiration rate and relative conductivity,but also maintain fruit firmness,thereby significantly delay quality deterioration of postharvest strawberries.