Study on combination fermentation and performance of lactic acid bacteria from yak milk in Tibetan Pastoral Areas
摘要: 通过对甘肃藏区牦牛酸乳中5株性状优良乳酸菌间进行组合发酵筛选,得出最佳发酵组合,并进一步对其发酵性能进行研究,结果表明:嗜热链球菌Q4和德氏乳杆菌保加利亚亚种G4为最佳组合,且其发酵性能优于单菌,即在冷藏期间,组合菌株Q4-G4所发酵的酸奶的抗后酸化能力增强,活菌数(大于109 CFU/m L)、黏度(7.48.61 Pa·s)均大于单菌株且变化幅度小,产香能力增强、风味更佳,胞外多糖含量(129.28 mg/m L)显著高于单菌株Q4、G4(p<0.05);与商业发酵剂YO-MIX300的发酵性能无显著性差异(p>0.05)。组合菌株Q4-G4可以作为混合发酵剂投入到酸奶的工业化生产中。Abstract: Five strains from yak milk in Tibetan Pastoral Areas with better fermentation performance were mixed,and their best fermentation combination was studied. The results showed that Thermophilic streptococcus Q4 and lactobacillus Bulgaricus subspecies G4 were the best combination,and its performance was superior to that of the single bacterium. The antipost-acidification capability of the yogurt which was fermented by Q4-G4 increased,and both the number of living bacterium(greater than 109cfu/m L) and viscosity(7.4 8.61 Pa·s)were higher than that of the single strain,and the aroma-producing capacity improved. All of these kept the yogurt flavor better. Additionly extracellular polysaccharide content of the yogurt(129.28 mg/m L) was significantly higher than that of single strain. There was not significant difference both Q4-G4 and the commercial starter cultures YO-MIX300 in fermentation performance. Therefore,Q4-G4 could be used mixed starter culture and applied into yogurt industralization production.