Apple polyphenols were separated in apple different tissue zones by column chromatography for apple products deveoplement. The antioxidant activities were studied by DPPH,FRAP and β- carrotene linolenic acid system. The results showed that apple polyphenols were separated into four groups: monomeric catechins,procyanidins,hydroxycinnamci acids,dihydrochalcones by Sephadex LH- 20 and p H shift technique. The most abundant compounds of apple tissue zones were procyanidins,accounting for 93.7%,79.1% and 72.3% of the total polyphenols in peel,flesh and core,respectively. Hydrocycinnamci acids accounted for 16.7% and 15.7% of the total polyphenols in flesh and core,Hidydrochalcones concertrations were the highest in core zones accounting for9.4% of total polyphenols. The top contributors to the antioxidant activity were found to be procyanidins and hydroxycinnamci acids and dihydrochalcones was the second contribution to the flesh and core,respectively.