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冯亚斌, 张鹏飞, 项方聪, 王忠华. 不同水稻品种胚芽米加工特性及其品质研究[J]. 华体会体育, 2015, (12): 95-98. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2015.12.012
引用本文: 冯亚斌, 张鹏飞, 项方聪, 王忠华. 不同水稻品种胚芽米加工特性及其品质研究[J]. 华体会体育, 2015, (12): 95-98. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2015.12.012
FENG Ya-bing, ZHANG Peng-fei, XIANG Fang-cong, WANG Zhong-hua. Processing characteristics and quality of embryo-remaining rice from different varieties[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2015, (12): 95-98. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2015.12.012
Citation: FENG Ya-bing, ZHANG Peng-fei, XIANG Fang-cong, WANG Zhong-hua. Processing characteristics and quality of embryo-remaining rice from different varieties[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2015, (12): 95-98. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2015.12.012


Processing characteristics and quality of embryo-remaining rice from different varieties

  • 摘要: 以不同品种的水稻为材料,以留胚率为参数进行胚芽米专用水稻品种的筛选,同时进行营养成分(如灰分、蛋白质、氨基酸、直链淀粉、微量元素等)的测定,最后进行品质比较分析,进一步明确不同品种加工成胚芽米的可适性。结果发现,不同品种水稻经加工后留胚率存在较大差异,粳稻的留胚率明显高于籼稻与籼粳杂交稻,三者平均留胚率分别为76.1%、66.83%和64.96%。品质比较结果表明,在相同水稻品种的条件下,由留胚率高的水稻品种加工而成的胚芽米蛋白质、氨基酸、灰分及矿物质含量明显优于留胚率低的水稻品种。综上所述,不同品种均可加工成胚芽米,但胚芽米的品质取决于品种的类型与粒形。因此,以留胚率为指标开展胚芽米加工专用品种的选育对于提高胚芽米的产量与品质是切实可行的。 


    Abstract: Different types of rice varieties as materials, the embryo residual rate as parameters, rice varieties suitable for embryo-remaining rice processing were screened in this paper. Meanwhile, nutrients of embryo-remaining rice, such as ash, proteins, amino acids, amylose, micronutrient elements, etc. were determined. Finally, the quality difference of embryo-remaining rice from different varieties was investigated to further clarify the adaptively of embryo-remaining rice processing of different varieties. The results showed that the significant difference of the embryo residual rate was found after processing of different types rice varieties and the embryo residual rate processing by japonica rice varieties was significantly higher than that by indica and hybrid rice varieties and the average embryo residual rate were 76.1%, 66.83% and 64.96%, respectively.Quality determination demonstrated that the quality of embryo-remaining rice from varieties with high embryo residual rate was better than that from varieties with low embryo residual rate. So embryo-remaining rice could be processed by any rice varieties and its quality was decided by the varieties type and seeds shape.Therefore, the development of rice varieties used embryo residual rate as parameters was feasible to improve high yield and quality of embryo-remaining rice.


