To explore the postharvest softening and effect of cell wall enzyme activity (PE, exo-PG, endo-PG and EG) on the degradation of protopectin to souble pectin (WSP、ASP、HSP、SSP) , the experiment was carried out by Banbianhong plum using texture analyzer during storage at ordinary temperature. The results showed that, the changing of PE activity was little, exo-PG activity kept reducing, meanwhile endo-PG activity kept rising during the storage of pulm fruit and EG activity after storing 8d kept rising at ordinary temperature. The changing of pulp hardness and adhesiveness had a close relationship with the content of protopectin and SSP.The content of ASP affected the decrease of adhesiveness significantly (p <0.01) , while HSP affected pulp hardness significantly (p <0.05) . The changing of pulp hardness (p <0.01) and adhesiveness (p <0.05) had significant correlation with exo- PG activity. The changing of endo- PG activity presented a significantly correlation with the decline of pulp hardness (p<0.05) . The activity of PE presented a significantly correlation with the content of protopectin, ASP, HSP and WSP (p<0.05) , exo-PG presented a significantly correlation with the content of protopectin and HSP (p <0.01) , SSP and WSP (p <0.05) . Endo-PG had a great influence on protopectin and HSP (p<0.05) . EG had little effect on the degradation of pectin.