Analysis of aromatic components in Jinxuan tea of different kinds and seasons
摘要: 采用GC-MS法对金萱茶树品种不同季节鲜叶加工而成的绿茶、红茶和乌龙茶的香气组分进行分析。结果表明:金萱绿茶春茶和夏茶的香气组成以醇类物质的相对含量较高,秋茶是吡咯类及其衍生物的相对含量较高。金萱绿茶春茶和夏茶的主导香气成分较多,且组成较相似,秋茶的主导香气组分较少,但都有清香、花香或甜香的特征。金萱红茶春茶、夏茶和秋茶都是醇类物质的相对含量较高,且所占比例较其他茶类高,其次是醛类或酯类。金萱红茶秋茶的FI指数最高,香气品质最好,夏茶次之,春茶最次,与感官审评结果一致。金萱乌龙茶春茶是醇类物质的相对含量较高,夏茶和秋茶是吡咯类及其衍生物的相对含量较高。三个季节的乌龙茶中都是橙花叔醇和吲哚的相对含量最高,占其主导香气成分的54%以上。Abstract: The aroma components of Jinxuan green tea (JGT) , black tea (JBT) and Oolong tea (JOT) in different seasons were studied by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The results showed that higher relative content of alcohols were determined in JGT in spring and summer and higher relative content of pyrrole and its derivatives were found in JGT in autumn. The dominant aroma components of JGT were similar and diverse in spring and summer. The dominant aroma components of JGT in autumn were less diversified and had the delicate, flowery and sweet fragrance. The highest relative content of alcohols was found in JBT in different seasons and the following were aldehydes or esters. The highest FI index was found in JBT in autumn, next was in summer and the last was in spring. Higher relative content of alcohols were determined in JOT in spring.However, higher relative content of pyrrole and its derivatives were found in JOT in summer and autumn. The relative content of trans-nerolidol and indole were highest in JOT in different seasons. The content of transnerolidol and indole was accounted for over 54% in dominant aroma.