Determination of total flavonoid content distribution on ginkgo biloba leaf
摘要: 利用近红外高光谱图像技术研究了银杏叶中黄酮含量的叶面分布检测方法。首先采集120片新鲜银杏叶在900~1700nm波段下的高光谱图像信息,并采用化学分析方法测量银杏叶的黄酮含量值;其次,提取银杏叶高光谱图像中的光谱信息,结合主成分分析和线性回归方法建立黄酮含量检测模型(r=0.9219),由此确立银杏叶高光谱图像信号与黄酮含量的对应关系;最后,依次提取待测银杏叶高光谱图像中单个像素点对应的光谱信息,将其代入黄酮含量检测模型以计算各像素点处对应的黄酮含量值,从而得到黄酮含量在整个银杏叶面上的分布图。研究表明:近红外高光谱图像技术可快速检测银杏叶中黄酮的叶面分布,研究为揭示有机组分在食品中的分布规律提供了技术手段。Abstract: The feasibility of using hyperspectral imaging at near infrared wavelength range( 900 ~ 1700nm) for determination of total flavonoid content distribution on ginkgo biloba leaves was investigated. 120 fresh ginkgo leaves were collected as research samples. After hyperspectral image acquisition and pre- processing,standard destructive method was used to determine the content of total flavonoid content.The average spectra obtained from the region of interest( ROI) in ginkgo leaf images were used for model development.Principal component analysis( PCA) was performed on the average spectrum,multi- linear regression( MLR) was used to build calibration models relating the spectra and total flavonoid content( r = 0.9219).The calibration model was used to predict the total flavonoid content of each pixel in the hyperspectral image.This enables construction of a distribution map of total flavonoid content on the ginkgo leave image. The results indicated that hyperspectral imaging could offer an effective method for flavonoid concentration analysis.