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刘少文, 郭春华, 马晓龙, 柏雪, 张正帆, 李文娟. 四川部分地区鸭蛋沙门氏菌的分离鉴定及药敏实验[J]. 华体会体育, 2015, (06): 72-74. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2015.06.007
引用本文: 刘少文, 郭春华, 马晓龙, 柏雪, 张正帆, 李文娟. 四川部分地区鸭蛋沙门氏菌的分离鉴定及药敏实验[J]. 华体会体育, 2015, (06): 72-74. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2015.06.007
LIU Shao-wen, GUO Chun-hua, MA Xiao-long, BAI Xue, ZHANG Zheng-fan, LI Wen-juan. Isolation,identification and drug susceptibility experiment of Salmonella from duck eggs in some parts of Sichuan[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2015, (06): 72-74. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2015.06.007
Citation: LIU Shao-wen, GUO Chun-hua, MA Xiao-long, BAI Xue, ZHANG Zheng-fan, LI Wen-juan. Isolation,identification and drug susceptibility experiment of Salmonella from duck eggs in some parts of Sichuan[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2015, (06): 72-74. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2015.06.007


Isolation,identification and drug susceptibility experiment of Salmonella from duck eggs in some parts of Sichuan

  • 摘要: 为了解四川部分地区不同饲养方式的鸭蛋沙门氏菌(Salmonella spp.)污染与耐药情况,本实验采集了集约化养殖(50枚)和农户散养(50枚)的100枚鸭蛋,采用国家标准GB 4789.4-2010对其蛋壳及内容物进行沙门氏菌检测,同时进行血清型鉴定和药物敏感实验。结果发现散养鸭蛋的蛋壳和内容物沙门氏菌污染率分别为28%和30%;集约化养殖的蛋壳污染率为24%,蛋内容物无污染。血清凝集实验共检测出8种血清型,流行菌株为鼠伤寒沙门氏菌(34.1%),其次为肠炎沙门氏菌(22%)和鸭源沙门氏菌(14.6%),其余菌株检出率较低。分离得到的41株沙门氏菌对青霉素(100%)、氨苄西林(87.80%)、阿莫西林(75.61%)、四环素(73.17%)耐药率较高,对链霉素呈现中等敏感,对其余抗生素表现不同程度的耐药。研究结果表明四川地区鸭蛋沙门氏菌污染情况和耐药性已较为严重,应加强沙门氏菌流行病学监测和抗生素的使用监管。 


    Abstract: In order to understand the Salmonella spp. contamination and drug resistance from duck eggs with different rearing methods in some parts of Sichuan,the experiment detected Salmonella in eggshell and its contents with the national standard GB 4789.4-2010 detection method after collecting 100 duck eggs from intensive farms(50) and farmers backyard(50),while doing serotype identification and drug susceptibility testing. The results showed that the contamination rates of free-range egg shell were 28% and contents were30%. Meanwhile,the contamination rates of intensive farming eggshell were 24% and with no Salmonella in the contents of intensive farming egg. Serum agglutination test detected out of 8 serotypes,S.typhimurium(34.1%)was most prevalent. Besides,S.enteritidis(22%) and S.anatum(14.6%) were higher than other strains. The 41 isolated Salmonella had high drug resistance to Penicillin(100%),Ampicillin(87.80%),Amoxicillin(75.61%),Tetracycline(73.17%),showed moderate sensitivity to streptomycin and suggested that the Salmonella had different degrees of resistance to the rest of the antibiotics. These findings indicated that the Salmonella from duck eggs contamination and drug resistance had become more serious in Sichuan region, therefore, the epidemiological surveillance of salmonella should be strengthened and the use of antibiotics should be regulated,too.


