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黄甜, 严成, 黄业传, 孙娟. 高压结合热处理对猪肉色泽的影响[J]. 华体会体育, 2015, (02): 85-89. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2015.02.009
引用本文: 黄甜, 严成, 黄业传, 孙娟. 高压结合热处理对猪肉色泽的影响[J]. 华体会体育, 2015, (02): 85-89. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2015.02.009
HUANG Tian, YAN Cheng, HUANG Ye-chuan, SUN Juan. Combined effects of pressure and thermal treatment on pork color[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2015, (02): 85-89. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2015.02.009
Citation: HUANG Tian, YAN Cheng, HUANG Ye-chuan, SUN Juan. Combined effects of pressure and thermal treatment on pork color[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2015, (02): 85-89. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2015.02.009


Combined effects of pressure and thermal treatment on pork color

  • 摘要: 为研究不同温度(20~60℃)下不同压力(200~500MPa)处理10~20min对猪肉色泽的影响,以猪背最长肌为原料,以肉色参数红度(a*)、黄度(b*)、亮度(L*)和总色差(△E)为指标,在预备实验基础上采用响应面法分析。结果表明:对L*值、b*值、△E而言,压力是影响它们的最显著因素,而温度是影响a*值的最显著因素;其中压力和温度对肉色参数a*值、△E的影响均有显著(p<0.05)交互作用,且影响a*值的临界压力随温度的升高呈线性下降趋势,影响△E的临界压力随温度的升高呈线性上升趋势;压力和保压时间肉色参数△E有显著(p<0.05)交互作用,影响△E的临界压力随保压时间的延长呈线性下降趋势。因此,在猪肉压力处理过程中,将处理条件控制在压力为350MPa,温度为40℃,保压时间为15min左右时,能够较好地保持色泽。 


    Abstract: In order to study the effect of different test conditions (200500MPa, 1020min and 2060℃) on the color of pork, the longissimus muscles were used. It was the color parameters redness (a*) , yellowness (b*) , lightness (L*) and total color difference (△E) were studied. Response surface method (RSM) was applied on the basis on the analysis of the pre-experimental results. The results of RSM showed that pressure was the most significant factor for the value of b*, L*, △E, while temperature was the most significant factor for the value of a*. Pressure and temperature had significant ( p <0.05) interactive on the value of a* and △E. Elevating temperature could significantly and linearly decrease the treating pressures influencing the value of a*. While the critical pressures influencing the value of △E linearly rised with temperature increasing. Pressure and holding times had significant ( p < 0. 05) interactive on the value of △E. And extending holding times could significantly and linearly decrease the treating pressures influencing the value of △E. As a conclusion, in the conditions of pressure 350 MPa, temperature 40℃, holding time 15 min, which could not cause significantly change in color of meat.


