Study on antimicrobial activity of essential oils of dried apricots
摘要: 以新疆小白杏为实验材料,研究新疆小白杏杏干在储藏期间微生物含量变化,通过分离、纯化从杏干上得到3株优势霉菌,形态观察初步鉴定为根霉菌、链格孢菌和青霉菌。选取9种植物精油对杏干上的混合菌进行抑菌实验,根据抑菌率筛选出3种抑菌活性较强的精油,并通过测定抑菌圈直径和最低抑菌浓度(MIC)进一步研究这3种精油对杏干上优势霉菌的抑菌活性。结果表明,9种植物精油对杏干上微生物均有一定的抑制作用,其中肉桂精油、月桂精油和茴香精油具有较强的抑菌性,且异味较小,对3种优势霉菌也有显著的抑制作用,抑菌活性显著优于卡那霉素,抑菌效果依次为:肉桂精油>月桂精油>茴香精油,肉桂精油可以作为天然保鲜剂用于杏干制品,达到抑菌和延长货架期的目的。Abstract: Changes of the microbiological content on ‘Xiao Bai' dried apricot during storage were investigated. Three fungal species were separated from dried apricot, and they were identified as Rhizopus, Alternaria and Penicillium. The results of the antibacterial activity of nine essential oils showed that cinnamon, bay and fennel essential oils had significant antiseptic effect on microbe of dried apricot. Furthermore, three essential oils were used to inhibit the main fungus from dried apricots, the diameter of inhibition cycle and minimal inhibition concentration (MIC) were determined. The overall results indicated that cinnamon, bay and fennel essential oils had significant inhibitory effect on fungi from dried apricot compared with Kanamycin. The order of inhibitory effect was studied as follows:cinnamon>bay>fennel. Cinnamon oil could be used in dried apricots as antifungal agents to prolong the shelf life.