Research advances in formation, control and detection method of the ethyl carbamate in rice wine
摘要: 氨基甲酸乙酯(EC)是一种存在于黄酒中的基因致癌物。本文就EC的形成途径及致癌机理方面进行了概述,重点阐述了黄酒酿造生产中EC的控制措施,并就常用的检测方法进行了比较分析,同时对未来研究方向做了展望,旨在为我国的黄酒生产技术提供理论参考。Abstract: Ethyl carbamate ( EC) is one of a genetic carcinogen in rice wine.The review introduced the formation mechanism and pathogenic effects of ethyl carbamate.And the regulatory measure of the process of making wine on its formation was the emphasis.Commonly- used detection methods of EC were compared in this paper.In addition, the research progress was introduced.It can provide some reference in rice wine for enterprises.