HPLC-ESI-MS analysis of the structure and content of anthocyanins in purple pakchoi
摘要: 采用HPLC-ESI-MS方法测定并分析"新紫冠"紫色小白菜中花色苷的组分及其含量。结果表明,"新紫冠"紫色小白菜中含有矢车菊及飞燕草两类花色苷,以矢车菊-3,5-双葡萄糖苷标准品测得总花色苷含量为51.36μg/g·fw,其中矢车菊类花色苷含50.71μg/g·fw,占总含量的98.73%,飞燕草类花色苷含0.65μg/g·fw,仅占1.27%。矢车菊类花色苷全部以酰基化的形式存在,共检测出10种矢车菊类花色苷及相应的9种同分异构体,其中矢车菊-3-阿魏酰-槐糖苷-5-丙二酰-葡萄糖苷是含量最多的花色苷成分,达16.36μg/g·fw,占总含量的31.85%。Abstract: Contents and structure of anthocyanins in purple pakchoi were identified by high performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry ( HPLC-ESI- MS) .Two kinds of anthocyanins were found in“New ZIGUAN”purple pakchoi.The mainly existence of anthocyanins were acylation form, there were10 anthocyanins and 9 isomeric compounds.The total anthocyanin content of purple pakchoi was 51.36μg /g·fw, which was calculated as the reference of cyanin- 3, 5- diglucoside standard.Among them, cyanidin content was50.71μg /g·fw, accounting for 98.73%.And delphinidin content was 0.65μg /g·fw, accounting for 1.27%.Cyanidin-3-feruloyl-sophoroside-5-malonyl-glucosidase was the major anthocyanin, accounting for 31.85% ( 16.36μg /g·fw) of the total anthocyanins.