Optimization of intensified high-temperature air-dying ripening procedure of red rice yeast fermented sausages by response surface methodology
摘要: 为探讨发酵香肠中红曲米替代亚硝酸盐的最适添加量及有效缩短发酵香肠成熟时间的加工工艺,采用Design-expert中的响应曲面法对强化高温风干成熟红曲米发酵香肠过程中的三个主要因素即强化高温温度、红曲米添加量与成熟时间进行优化。分析结果表明强化高温风干成熟工艺能有效地缩短香肠成熟时间,并且最佳工艺条件为成熟温度27℃、红曲米添加量1.6g/kg,高温成熟20d。在此条件下加工出的香肠游离氨基酸总量和感官评分较高,实验结果与模型拟合的预测值拟合良好,说明优化出的回归方程对于生产实际有一定的理论指导意义。Abstract: Three key factors ( intensified high temperature, added dose of red rice yeast and intensified high-temperature air-dying time) affecting the ripening procedure of red rice yeast fermented sausages were optimized with the response surface methodology of Design-expert.The analysis results indicated that the intensified hightemperature air-dying procedure could cut down the ripening procedure sharply and then the sausages contained higher content of free amino acids and best sensory quality under the conditions of ripening temperature, added dose of red rice yeast and ripening time being 27℃, 1.6g /kg, 20d respectively.Experimental results have a good fitting with the theoretical values and this kind of phenomena indicates that the optimized regression equation has a certain theoretical guiding significance for the actual production.