Study on purification of recombinant antihypertensive peptides VLPVPR with macroporous adsorption resin
摘要: 考察大孔吸附树脂(DA201-CⅡ,D4020和HPD100B)对重组降血压肽VLPVPR的吸附性能及纯化效果,确立纯化VLPVPR的优化工艺。通过大孔树脂静态吸附解吸及华体会(中国)吸附解吸实验,结果表明DA201-CⅡ最适于VLPVPR的纯化。最优纯化工艺为:样品pH9.8,上样流速为2mL/min,上样量为100mL,70%乙醇洗脱75mL,洗脱流速为2.7mL/min。该条件下VLPVPR的回收率为96.9%,纯度为27.4%。Abstract: To separate and purify peptide VLPVPR, the absorption capability and purification effect of VLPVPR on macroporous adsorption resin ( DA201-C Ⅱ, D4020 and HPD100B) were evaluated. Adsorption and desorption experiments were carried out to screen the suitable macroporous adsorption resin for VLPVPR.DA201-CⅡ was the best macroporous adsorption resin for purification of VLPVPR.The optimization conditions were pH9.8, feeding rate 2mL /min, feeding volume 100mL, ethanol concertration 70%, elute rate 2.7mL /min and elute volume 75mL. The recovery ratio was 96.9% and the purity ratio was 27.4%.