Study on physicochemical character and cooking quality of wholegrain reformed brown rice from extrusion
摘要: 本研究以低值早籼稻糙米为原料,采用挤压质构重组技术,研究开发速煮糙米产品,攻克了糙米难以煮制、口感粗糙及食用不方便等难题,并对产品的理化性质和蒸煮、食用品质进行了分析研究。结果显示:重组糙米的B族维生素等各项营养指标与天然糙米接近。在30、40℃下重组糙米的吸水率高于原料糙米和精白米,50℃时吸水率介于原糙米和精白米之间;重组糙米糊化温度低于原糙米和精白米,糊化时间减少。衰减值降低,表明糙米重组后不易发生回生。质构和感官测试表明重组糙米色泽淡黄,外观光滑,透明度高,蒸煮8min即达到完全熟化,其硬度低于精白米和原糙米。产品货架期超过6个月。Abstract: This study developed a brown rice product which was prepared from early indica brown rice and extrusive method. Physicochemical indicators, edible and cooking qualities of reformed brown rice ( RBR) were measured.The results indicated that the vitamin B and dietary fiber were reserved in RBR during extrusion process, the water absorption of RBR was higher than that of crude brown rice and white rice at 30℃ and 40℃, and the water absorption of RBR was higher than that of crude brown rice, but lower than that of white rice and crude brown rice under at 50℃.But the ripe temperature and the hardness values of RBR were the lowest among three samples after cooking for about 8 minutes.The RBR, which was dark yellow lucid, and apparently smooth, was equivalent to crude brown rice in nutrition.The shelf life of RBR was more than 6 months.