Study on the control of non-enzymatic browning of papaya candied fruit
摘要: 为了控制木瓜果脯生产和储藏过程中的非酶褐变问题,本文从生产工艺和储藏条件上着手,对木瓜果脯在不同条件下的褐变程度变化进行研究。结果表明,采用真空渗糖法和100%白砂糖的糖液组成,添加0.10%Na2SO3+0.10%异抗坏血酸钠+0.30%柠檬酸作为护色剂,并且进行真空包装,在低温下储藏,可以有效控制木瓜果脯的非酶褐变,保持原有色泽。Abstract: The research was subjected in industrialized production need of papaya candied fruit, whose purpose was to optimize effective manufacturing techniques and proper storage conditions to inhibit non-enzymatic browning. The result showed as follows:on the perspective of inhibiting non-enzymatic browning, it was an effective way to satisfy the need to use 0.10% Na2 SO3 +0.10% D-sodium isoascorbiate+0.30% citric acid as the color fixative, with the vacuum sugar infiltration method and 100% sucrose as the sugar juice. Considering storage conditions, it helped inhibit non-enzymatic browning when it was stored in the low temperature after vacuum packaging.