Effect of microwave combined antibrowning reagent treatment on the color of green prickleyashes during natural drying
摘要: 为解决青花椒自然干燥过程中极易发黑发褐的问题,提高干制青花椒产品品质,采用微波与护色剂结合处理的工艺。考查不同微波处理条件及结合不同护色剂对自然干制青花椒色泽的影响。结果表明,经微波处理的最佳工艺条件(载料量50g,微波功率462W,微波时间60s)处理后,再结合用含有0.4%异抗坏血酸钠的30%乙醇溶液进行喷涂处理,于室温(28℃,相对湿度为45%)下阴干后,所得干制青花椒△a值可达-5.26,青花椒色泽青绿,护色效果显著。Abstract: In order to inhibit color browning of green prickleyashes during natural drying, and improve the quality of dry green prickleyashes.The combined treatment of microwave and antibrowning reagent was applied, and their combined effects on the color of dry green prickleyashes were investigated.Results showed that the ⊿ a value was come to-5.26, when fresh green prickleyashes were treated by optimal microwave processing (loaded weight 50g, microwave power 462W, treating time 60s) and sprayed by 0.4% sodium isoascorbate solution with 30% ethanol, and the color of dried prickleyashes were quite green.This was indicated that the microwave combined antibrowning reagent treatment had good effect on protecting the color of green prickleyashes.