Effect of beeswax on properties of soybean-protein-isolate/carboxymethyl cellulase composite materials
摘要: 研究蜂蜡对大豆分离蛋白/羧甲基纤维素复合材料性能的影响。当蜂蜡添加量增加,复合材料的颜色变黄;透明度、水蒸气透过率和断裂伸展率降低,氧气透过率升高。Abstract: The effect of beeswax on properties of soy-protein-isolate/carboxymethyl cellulose composite materials was evaluated.The composite materials became more yellow when the beeswax addition was increased.Moreover, the transparency, water vapor permeability, elongation at break of composite materials decreased when the beeswax addition increased, while the oxygen permeability increased.