Diversified comparison of lactic acid bacteria from traditional dairy products in Mongolian and Kazakh in Xinjiang
摘要: 传统发酵乳制品是新疆少数民族不可或缺的一类食品,为了研究同一地区不同民族传统乳制品中乳酸菌种类的差异性,从新疆和布克赛尔县采集了17份哈萨克族酸奶和8份蒙古族酸奶,通过传统培养和16S rDNA基因序列分析方法共分离得到42株乳酸菌,有30株分离自哈萨克族样品,12株分离自蒙古族样品,其中优势菌群均为Pediococcus acidilactici(乳酸片球菌)。除了优势菌群,两种样品中都分离出了Lactobacillus plantarum(植物乳杆菌)和Enterococcus durans(耐久肠球菌)。哈萨克族样品中还分离出了Lactobacillus fermentum(发酵乳杆菌)、Lactobacillus paracasei(类干酪乳杆菌)、Lactobacillus crustorum(面包乳杆菌),而蒙古族样品中分离出了Weissella cibaria(食窦魏斯氏菌)。Abstract: The traditional fermented dairy product- yogurt is a kind of indispensable food for Ethnic Minorities in Xinjiang.In order to investigate the difference of strains of lactobacillus from traditional dairy products in various nationalities in the same region, 17 strains of Kazak yogurt and 8 strains of Mongolian yogurt were collected from Hebuksaier county in Xinjiang and 42 strains of lactobacillus was isolated by traditional method and 16S rDNA gene sequence analysis method, 30 strains of them were isolated from Kazak samples, the other 12 strains were isolated from Mongolian samples.The dominant bacterial community was P. acidilactici. Except P. acidilactici, Lb. plantarum and E.durans were isolated from both of the two samples.The Kazakh sample was also isolate Lb.fermentum、Lb.paracasei and Lb.crustorum.One strain of W.cibaria was isolated from Mongolian samples.