Effect of ultra-high pressure on the IgG activity of bovine colostrum
摘要: 牛初乳中富含营养物质和多种活性成分,尤其是IgG的含量特别高。以产犊后48h内的牛初乳为原料,研究不同的超高压处理条件对牛初乳中IgG活性的影响,采用ELISA方法检测经过超高压处理后样品中IgG的活性。结果显示,在压力500MPa、温度35℃、时间20min条件下处理牛初乳,其IgG活性提高率达到最大。Abstract: Bovine colostrum is rich in diverse nutrients and active ingredients, especially high content of IgG.This study investigated the IgG activity in the bovine colostrum within 48h after calving under different high pressure treatment conditions, taking ELISA to detect the sample. Results showed that when bovine colostrum was treated at the condition of 500MPa, 35℃ and for 20min, the IgG activity increase rate got the maximum.