Optimization of salidroside extraction using ultrasonic-microwave synergistic extraction by response surface methodology
摘要: 以大花红景天的根为原料,乙醇为溶媒,采用超声协同微波的方法提取红景天苷,并以红景天苷得率为考察指标,优化红景天苷的提取工艺。在单因素实验的基础上,利用中心组合实验设计对红景天苷的提取工艺进行优化,采用三因素三水平实验设计,根据回归分析确定工艺影响因子,以红景天苷得率为响应值做响应面图,在分析各个因素的显著性和交互作用后,得出最佳提取工艺条件为:乙醇体积分数70%,料液比1∶20,超声波时间20min,微波时间10min,微波功率400W,在此条件下提取3次,红景天苷平均得率为2.21%。Abstract: Based on the root of salidroside from Rhodiola as raw material, with ethanol as solvent, the method of ultrasonic-microwave synergistic extraction technology was adopted to optimize the extraction process of salidroside from Rhodiola in terms of the yield. On the basis of single factor experiments, the optimum conditions for the extraction of salidroside were obtained by center-united experiment design with three factors and three levels. According to quadratic regression analysis, influencing process factors were identified. And response surface together with contour were firstly graphed with extraction rate as the response value. On the analysis of significance and interaction of various factors, it could be concluded that the optimum extraction technology of salidroside by ultrasonic-microwave synergistic extraction was as follows:volume fraction of ethanol was 70%, the ratio of material to solvent of 1∶20, ultrasonic time of 20min, microwave time of 10min, microwave power400W.Under these conditions extracting for 3 times, the yield of the salidroside was 2.21%.