The effect of minimal warming method and time on the sensory and nutritional quality of apple, pear and orange was determined.The results showed that the least warming method affecting fruit's quality was hot water warming, the second microwave warming and the greatest vapor warming when the three kind of fruits were heated to reach to 50℃ within the depth of surface 1cm.Hot water treatment decreased the rate of weight loss was 0.30%
0.54%, firmness loss 0.24
0.42kg /cm2, vitamin C loss 5.87%
7.98%, but content of soluble sugar increased 24.17%
29.12%.The warming time of hot water treatment gave significantly on the quality of three kinds of fruits.The influence of 1min warming was least, second 2min warming and 3min was the greatest.The 1 or 2min hot water warming raised temperature of fruit surface, gave fruits warmer and more edible.Meanwhile, it could not cause nutrition loss badly, so it was a better warming method for fruits fresh-eating in winter and for cold sensitive people.