Research of the impact of mould on malt quality
摘要: 麦芽是啤酒酿造的主要原料,其表面附着了各类微生物,尤其是受霉菌侵染的麦芽可能引起β-葡聚糖、可溶氮和麦汁黏度升高等问题。本文研究了三种大麦在制麦过程中添加已筛选的大麦自身携带的四种霉菌对麦芽质量的影响,发现链格孢霉和镰孢霉对大麦细胞壁降解和细胞内基质溶解有明显的负作用,导致β-葡聚糖酶活力降低,β-葡聚糖含量增加,麦汁的浊度升高;其中镰孢霉对Gairdner的麦汁浊度影响最大,增加220%;添加镰孢霉的三种麦芽中蛋白酶活力和库值都有所降低,其中国产内蒙麦芽库值下降最多,下降了7.2%。Abstract: Malt was the major raw material used for beer brewing, its surface had different microorganism. Malt infected by the mould could induce the increase of β-glucan, soluble nitrogen and viscosity.This paper was carried out to research the impact of four kinds of mould which added during malting of three varieties of barely on malt quality, A negative effect on the solubility of cell wall and intracellular matrix by AlternariaAlte-rnaraKeissler and Neurospore was found, which leaded to the decrease of β-glucanase activity and the increase of β-glucan and turbidity, the turbidity of Gairdner malt effected by Neurospore was the most, increased 220%.Protease activity and kolbach index of three varieties malt added Neurospore all declined, the decrease of the neimonggol barley was the most, reduced 7.2%.