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基于色彩色差计的冲调型米粉焙炒程度判别及指标量化研究[J]. 华体会体育, 2013, (13): 62-65. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2013.13.032
引用本文: 基于色彩色差计的冲调型米粉焙炒程度判别及指标量化研究[J]. 华体会体育, 2013, (13): 62-65. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2013.13.032
Discrimination and quantification of the degrees of stir-frying for a kind of instant rice powder based on a colorimeter[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2013, (13): 62-65. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2013.13.032
Citation: Discrimination and quantification of the degrees of stir-frying for a kind of instant rice powder based on a colorimeter[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2013, (13): 62-65. DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2013.13.032


Discrimination and quantification of the degrees of stir-frying for a kind of instant rice powder based on a colorimeter

  • 摘要: 在冲调型米粉的加工中引用色彩色差计,测定米粉颜色特征参数,通过统计分析,建立基于L*、a*、b*色度空间的焙炒程度判别的判别函数和参考值范围,使焙炒程度指标仪器化和数量化。实验表明,L*、a*、b*分别与冲调型米粉焙炒程度之间具有直线相关关系。建立的判别函数为:焙炒程度=0.408L*-0.409a*-0.233b*-30.367。双侧90%参考值范围分别为焙炒不完全:L*(88.9590~92.1140),a*(-1.1240~0.5710),b*(6.3380~8.7870);焙炒程度正常:L*(79.9690~86.1360),a*(0.8310~2.7300),b*(12.0380~15.8870);焙炒过度:L*(75.1800~77.6330),a*(3.1740~4.2240),b*(15.8870~17.2110)。对判别函数进行验证,其判别符合率为100%。结果表明将色彩色差计应用于冲调型米粉炒制程度的鉴别是可行的。 


    Abstract: A colorimeter was introduced to discriminate and quantify the degrees of stir-frying for a kind of instant rice powder.A discriminant function was established and its reference value ranges for the degrees of stirfrying were calculated based on the L* , a* , b* color space by the method of statistical analysis, which made the degrees of stir-frying be easily discriminated by instrument and figures. The discriminant function of the degrees of stir-frying was built as X = 0.408L*-0.409a*-0.233b*-30.367. The bilateral 90% reference ranges were: stir-fried insufficiently, L* (88.9590~92.1140) , a* (-1.1240~0.5710) , b* (6.3380~8.7870) ; stir-fried properly, L* (79.9690~ 86.1360) , a* (0.8310~2.7300) , b* (12.0380~15.8870) ; stir-fried over, L* (75.1800~77.6330) , a* (3.1740~4.2240) , b* (15.8870~17.2110) .The discriminant function was verified and the coincidence rate was 100%.Due to the linear correlations between the values of L* , a * , b * and the degrees of stir-frying, it was practicable to discriminate the degrees of stir-frying for the instant rice powder with a colorimeter.


