Study on food safety recall management based on closed-loop supply chains
摘要: 闭环供应链理论从资源与环境的视角为食品企业开展召回管理奠基了更加深远的意义。通过认识食品安全召回管理的重要性、加强闭环供应链内主体间的协作、加强召回管理信息沟通与处理、发挥闭环物流网络的作用等策略,有助于实现食品安全召回的经济价值与社会价值。Abstract: Closed-loop supply chain theory has a profound significance to the enterprise developing recall management from the perspective of resources. With understanding the importance of food safety recall management, strengthening cooperation between agents in closed-loop supply chain, enhancing communication and processing of recall information, and playing the role of closed-loop logistics network, food safety recall can realize economics value and social value.