Effect of water-soluble fraction and purple sweet potato yoghurt on blood pressure in spontaneously hypertensive rats
摘要: 以紫薯为原料,12周龄雄性原发性高血压大鼠(SHR)和正常Wistar大鼠为受试动物,研究紫薯水溶性提取物的降血压作用。用紫薯水溶性提取物以低、中、高3个剂量(0.12、0.6、1.2g/kg·bw)灌胃SHR大鼠和正常Wistar大鼠,观察对大鼠尾动脉收缩压(SBP)的影响。结果表明:单次灌胃8h内,低、中、高三个剂量对正常Wistar大鼠的血压无影响;三种剂量对SHR的血压有明显的降低作用,且中、高剂量作用效果较好。灌胃后,中剂量在2h时达到最低值,下降了27.25mmHg,高剂量在4h时下降了约33.00mmHg。连续灌胃三种剂量水溶性提取物可较长时间维持低水平SBP。用上述三种不同剂量制备紫薯酸奶,灌胃SHR大鼠。单次灌胃三种酸奶都有降血压作用,低剂量组在4h时达到最低值,下降了20.25mmHg,中剂量组在3h时达到最低值,下降了25.13mmHg,高剂量组在4h时达到最低值,下降了28.13mmHg,且连续灌胃紫薯酸奶可以在8h内维持较低的血压。Abstract: Purple potato homogenate was filtrated through multiple layers of gauze. After a period of time of sedimentation , the filtrate was harvested . The effect of water-soluble fraction on blood pressure of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) was investigated by using 12 weeks old male SHR and Wistar rats as the trial animals with different gavage administration doses (0.12, 0.6, and 1.2g/kg·bw) . The SHR rats tested for their systolic blood pressure (SBP) during 8h post-administration once a day for continuously 3d in order to the anti-hypertension effect of single administration of water-soluble fraction in SHR. The result showed that in the single administration trial, normal Wistar rats administered each dose of water-soluble fraction did not present any obvious change in SBP within 8h after administration. Each of the three doses had a notable inhibitory effect on the increase of SBP in SHR. Moreover, middle and high dose groups had better effect. The water-soluble fraction was the most effective antihyperglycemic factor with 27.25mmHg at 2h after administration at 0.6g/kg·bw and 33.00mmHg drop at 4h at 0.12g/kg·bw, respectively. The fermented milk was orally administered to SHR for single and continuous experiment, lowering the blood pressure by the three doses. The fermented milk was the most effective antihyperglycemic factor with 20.25mmHg drop at 4h after administration at 0.12g/kg·bw, 25.13mmHg at 3h after administration at 0.6g/kg·bw, 28.13mmHg at 4h after administration at 1.2g/kg·bw. Furthermore, continuous administration of high dose could keep SBP at a lower level for a long time period.