Isolation and preliminary identification of endogenous mold in wine grape
摘要: 采用组织块培养法,对新疆优质酿酒葡萄"赤霞珠"中的内生霉菌进行分离、纯化,共得到24株不同的内生霉菌,其中秋天得到的菌数最多,为11株,春天次之,为8株,夏天最少,为5株;从酿酒葡萄的根、茎、叶、果实部位均分离得到了内生真菌,分别为7、5、9和3株。通过对其中两株产多酚能力较强的内生霉菌C-2-J-6和C-1-G-3的形态鉴定,初步确定这两株菌分别属于星珠霉属和青霉属。Abstract: By using the method of tissue culture endogenous mould from Xinjiang quality wine grape“Chi xiazhu” were separated.24 kinds of endogenous moulds were getted. From the time dimension, there were 11 isolates in autumn, 8 isolates in spring and 5 isolates in summer. From the distribution of tissue, there were 7 isolates from roots, 5 isolates in plant stem, 9 isolates from leaves and 3 isolates from fruit of wine grape. By morphological identification C-2-J-6 and C-1-G-3 were found with high ability of producing polyphenols, which belonged to the genus syncephalastrum and Penicillium.