Protection of GDL-induced soy protein cold-set gels on probiotic
摘要: 主要研究了葡萄糖酸内酯(GDL)诱导大豆分离蛋白冷凝胶在胃酸pH环境下对乳酸菌的保护情况。利用GDL诱导形成的大豆分离蛋白冷凝胶在胃酸pH环境下作用30min后乳酸菌的存活率为评价指标,用以评价大豆分离蛋白冷凝胶对乳酸菌的保护情况。通过正交实验得出,在pH1.2的胃酸环境下,大豆分离蛋白冷凝胶的成胶条件为变性温度90℃、SPI浓度9%、GDL浓度1.2%,对乳酸菌的保护效果最佳。活菌落菌落计数的数量级由初始的107变为105cfu/mL,仅下降了2个数量级,乳酸菌的存活率达到26.61%,得到显著提高。实验结果表明,在胃酸pH环境下GDL诱导的大豆分离蛋白冷凝胶能很好的保护乳酸菌,为益生菌和大豆分离蛋白在食品中的应用提供了参考。Abstract: Discussed the production of GDL-induced soy protein isolate (SPI) gels on lactic acid bacteria in gastric acid.The protection of the gels on lactic acid bacteria was determined by the survival rate of 30 minute in gastric acid.From the orthogonal experiment analysis, it showed the optimal experimental scheme was the cold-set gel of 9% SPI induced at 90℃ by 1.2% GDL.This cold-set gel gave the best protection on lactic acid bacteria by 26.11% survival rate in the gastric acid condition of pH1.2, and the order of lactic acid bacteria changed from 107 to 105 (cfu/mL) , only dropped two orders.This suggested that the cold-set gels could provide superior protection on lactic acid bacteria, and it could be a refrence in the application of probioticsin and SPI in food field.