Study on optimization of solvent extraction of β-sitosterol from Phyllostachys pubescens bamboo shoot head using response surface analysis
摘要: 采用响应面分析法研究了乙醇浓度、时间、温度和料液比对毛竹笋笋头中β-谷甾醇得率的影响。结果表明,β-谷甾醇提取的最佳工艺条件为:乙醇浓度95%、提取时间20min、料液比15:1、提取温度55℃,在此条件下,β-谷甾醇提取含量为365.52mg/100g。Abstract: The conditions including the ethanol solution concentration, time, temperature and solid-liquid ratio of β-sitosterol from Phyllostachys pubescens bamboo shoot head was studied by response surface analysis.The results showed the optimal extraction conditions were 95% ethanol, extracting time 20min, ratio of liquid to solid 15∶1, temperature 55℃.Under this condition, the yield of β-sitosterol was 365.52mg/100g.