Suggestion on unifying our functional food supervision
摘要: 经济的发展和人们对健康的重视,给我国保健食品的发展提供了良好的契机,但是,我国保健食品行业的乱象不仅损害了消费者的健康,也危及行业的进一步发展,因此,建议统一保健食品监管法律,确保监管有法可依;统一保健食品的监管机构,确保有效监管;统一保健食品监管方式,确保监管持续进行。Abstract: The economic development and valuing health provide good opportunity to functional food. However, the disorder in the functional food industry not only harms the consumer health, but also imperils functional food industry development. Therefore, this article suggested unifying functional food supervision legal system for supervision by law, unifying supervision organ for effective supervision, and unifying supervision mode for continuous supervision.