Application of membrane separation in the desalination process of pilot fish scale collagen extraction
摘要: 采用膜分离技术进行鱼鳞胶原蛋白中试提取液的脱盐实验。研究了不同分子量、不同类型的超滤膜对料液脱盐效果及胶原蛋白回收率的影响。结果表明,最适用膜为截留分子量8ku的卷式超滤膜,脱盐废水经纳滤膜处理后可循环用于脱盐过程,从而减少了用水量。经过三批次胶原蛋白中试规模脱盐实验验证,当提取料液浓缩倍数为4倍时,胶原蛋白总回收率>75%,胶原蛋白提取液中与灰分相关的无机盐脱除率>85%,最终产品灰分<1%。Abstract: Membrane separation was applied for the desalination of pilot collagen extraction from fish scale. The effect of ultrafiltration membranes with different MWCO or different material on the desalination rate and collagen recovery rate were researched. The result showed that the optimal membrane was spiral ultrafiltration membrane with MWCO 8ku, the waste water could be recycled for desalination process after treated by nanofiltration membrane. The results of three pilot batch tests of the collagen extraction desalination showed that when the collagen extraction was four times concentrated, the collagen recovery rate was more than 75%, the removal rate of inorganic salt related to ash in the extraction was more than 85%, the ash content in the final collagen product was less than 1%.