Teaching practice and consideration on the course of the science of functional food
摘要: 我国功能性食品的发展经历了波折,如今渐渐走入正轨,呈现出蓬勃发展的态势。在此大背景下,功能性食品学课程的教学也在各相关高校展开与发展。简述了我国功能性食品的发展状况;功能性食品学课程在高校中的开设情况;阐述了功能性食品学课程教学中的两个基本问题,即"教什么"和"怎么教"的问题。并对阶段性的教学实践作了一定的总结和反思。Abstract: The industry of functional food in China encountered difficult and increased gradually in nowadays.The course of “the sciences of functional food” emerged and developed in the relevant universities including agricultural universities and light industries universities.The development of functional food in China and the “the sciences of functional food” in universities were stated.Two important issues about the teaching practice of “the sciences of functional food”, i.e.“what should be taught?” and “How the course could be taught well?” were also discussed.Furthermore, the work of teaching practice was summarized and discussed.