Study on grinding characteristics and quality of soybean milk in different wet grinding systems
摘要: 实验分析了石磨、胶体磨、剪切粉碎机对生大豆和煮过的大豆的粉碎特性。在分批粉碎时,粉碎时间的长短与粒径的大小成逆相关,与粉碎能耗的多少成正相关。石磨的能量利用率最低,粉碎生大豆的能耗为剪切粉碎机的1.83倍。和生大豆相比,煮过的大豆所需的粉碎时间要长些,因此所需能耗要高些。三种典型的能耗学说(基克的体积学说、邦德的裂纹扩展学说、雷廷格的表面积学说)都可以被应用,但雷廷格学说较其它两个学说更适合,其次为邦德学说。煮过的大豆浆液粘度比生大豆的要大,两者都显示出非牛顿假塑性。Abstract: Grinding characteristics of raw and parboiled soybean were evaluated in various wet grinding systems, namely, stone grinder, shearing grinder and colloid mill.The duration of grinding had inverse effect on the particle size and direct impact energy consumption in batch grinders.Stone grinder was the least energy efficient and special energy consumption for grinding raw soybean was 1.83 times as that of shearing grinder.Parboiled soybean required longer duration of grinding compared to raw soybean, consequently energy consumption was higher.All the three classical laws of grinding (Kick's, Rittinger's, and Bond's) seemed to be applicable while Rittinger's law show better suitability than the other two followed by Bond's law.Parboiled soybean slurry exhibited much greater viscosity than raw soybean but both displayed non-Newtonian pseudoplastic behavior.